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Preparing for an Outage


Harsh weather conditions can cause electrical outages or water line breaks from a variety of reasons – heavy winds, ice forming on the lines, freezing temperatures or even floods. Knowing a few tips ahead of time is a great way to prepare for a variety of potential emergencies:

  • Know the location of the electrical circuit breaker in your home.

  • Insulate your water pipes and outside faucets to protect from freezing.

  • Know the location of the emergency shut off valve for your water.

  • Find out ahead of time how to manually override an electric garage door.

  • Red Cross recommends everyone put together a 2-week emergency preparedness kit with these supplies in case of a prolonged or widespread power outage:

    • ​Water—one gallon per person per day (storing water in your freezer is a good way to keep water fresh)

    • Food—non-perishable, easy-to prepare items and manual can opener

    • Pet food, supplies and water

    • A safe secondary heating and cooking source

    • Flashlight and extra batteries

    • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible)

    • First aid kit, medications and medical items, including glasses and contacts

    • Multi-purpose tool

    • Sanitation, garbage bags and personal hygiene items

    • Copies of personal documents (medication needs, identification, insurance policies)

    • Cell phone with extra batteries or powerless chargers

    • Keep a non-cordless telephone in your home and a printed list of family and emergency contact information

    • Emergency cash

Our crews work hard to restore utility services as quickly as possible but with these simple steps, outages are much easier if prepared.​


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