
Individual Residential Account Application Requests
Residential Application for Utility Services
APPLICATION FORM: To apply for utility services to be established in your personal name, please complete our Residential Application for Utility Services, have your identity verified and pay any applicable fees/deposits. Applicants must complete all fields. Print and return signed and notarized application to Wahkiakum PUD by FAX: 360-795-8441, by mail: Wahkiakum PUD, PO Box 248, Cathlamet WA 98612, by email at (application must be notarized) or return application in person at 45 River Street, Cathlamet with acceptable photo identification instead of having application notarized.
FEES: Please contact Wahkiakum PUD at 360-795-3266 or 360-465-2171 for current transaction or deposit fee rates required to establish account. Our utility accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, checks, e-checks, money orders and cash. Customers may make payments by phone and in person.
PLEASE NOTE: if you are not the property owner and you wish to apply for a utility account Wahkiakum PUD requires a copy of your signed rental agreement or signed statement from the property owner authorizing you to apply for services. The rental agreement or statement must be signed by tenant(s) and property owner.
An effective Vegetation Maintenance Program is critical to our reliable delivery of electric and water services. The tree trimming and removal work we perform is designed to provide minimum clearances between plants/trees and utility lines or equipment. Per RCW 64.12.035, Wahkiakum PUD is permitted to cut or remove <READ MORE>
Business, Estate or Trust Account Requests
Business Application for Utility Services (used for Business, Estate or Trust accounts)
APPLICATION FORM: To apply for utility services to be established in your business, estate or trust name, please complete our Business Application for Utility Services application. Applicants must complete all fields. Print and return signed application to Wahkiakum PUD by FAX: 360-795-8441, by mail: Wahkiakum PUD, PO Box 248, Cathlamet WA 98612, by email at or customer may opt to return application in person at 45 River Street, Cathlamet.
FEES: Please contact Wahkiakum PUD at 360-795-3266 or 360-465-2171 for current transaction or deposit fee rates required to establish account. Our utility accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, checks, e-checks, money orders and cash. Customers may make payments by phone and in person.
PLEASE NOTE: if you are not the property owner and you wish to apply for a utility account Wahkiakum PUD requires a copy of your signed rental agreement or signed statement from the property owner authorizing you to apply for services. The rental agreement or statement must be signed by tenant(s) and property owner.
An effective Vegetation Maintenance Program is critical to our reliable delivery of electric and water services. The tree trimming and removal work we perform is designed to provide minimum clearances between plants/trees and utility lines or equipment. Per RCW 64.12.035, Wahkiakum PUD is permitted to cut or remove <READ MORE>
New Construction
Application for New Construction Request
To request new construction of water, electric or yard light services, please complete our Application for New Construction Service form and return completed form to: Wahkiakum PUD, Attn: Manager, PO Box 248, Cathlamet WA 98612 or by email at
PLEASE NOTE: New Wahkiakum PUD customers must also complete an Account Application (see above for residential or non-residential forms) to establish a new utility account.
An effective Vegetation Maintenance Program is critical to our reliable delivery of electric and water services. The tree trimming and removal work we perform is designed to provide minimum clearances between plants/trees and utility lines or equipment. Per RCW 64.12.035, Wahkiakum PUD is permitted to cut or remove <READ MORE>
Requesting a Locate
Whether you are planning to do it yourself or hire a professional, smart digging means calling 811 before each job. Visit​ or dial 811 at least two working days before you plan to dig and all affected utilities will send workers to mark their utility-owned underground lines with color-coded paint.
You’ll know we’ve been there because you’ll see specific paint marks on your lawn or driveway. Each color defines a particular type of underground utility: White – Proposed Excavation; Pink – Temporary Survey Markings; Red – Electric; Yellow – Gas/Oil; Orange – Communications/CATV; Blue – Water; Purple – Reclaimed Water/Irrigation; Green – Sewer.
Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention
Water System Cross Connection Control Survey:
In order for the PUD to meet the Washington State Department of Health requirements per WAC 246-290-490, we ask each of our water customers to complete a Cross Connection Control Survey. Customers with more than one water meter should fill out one survey form for each PUD meter on your property. After we receive your survey, our cross connection specialist will schedule an appointment for an onsite assessment, if required.
The utility’s goal is to develop and implement procedures and schedules for ensuring that:
We provide safe drinking water
Cross-connections are eliminated whenever possible, and
When cross-connections cannot be eliminated, they are controlled by installation of an approved backflow preventor commensurate with the degree of hazard
Please review Cross Connections Health Hazards brochure for answers to many of your questions about cross connections and backflow information. After you review the brochure and complete the Cross Connection Control Survey, please contact Wahkiakum PUD if any of these situations change or if you have any additional questions or concerns and we will be happy to assist you.
Production and Net Metering or Interconnection of Electric Generators
Wahkiakum PUD Net Metering Interconnection Application and Policy
Production Metering Agreement, Application, Instructions and General Terms and Conditions for Wahkiakum PUD’s Interconnection of Electric Generators (generating capacity of not more than 100 kilowatts) can be downloaded here: Wahkiakum PUD’s Interconnection Application and Policy.
Return completed forms to the general manager, or mail to Wahkiakum PUD, Attn: Manager, PO Box 248, Cathlamet WA 98612.
Rates, Terms & Conditions, and Fee Schedule
Current electric and water utility rates
Electric Services General Terms and Conditions
Water Services General Terms and Conditions
Discount Programs and Budget Pay Plans
Income-Eligible Disabled or Senior Citizen Discount Program
Wahkiakum PUD’s Budget Payment Plan
Fuel Mix Disclosure
Fuel Mix Disclosure Report 2023
Water Quality Reports
Western Wahkiakum Water System